src="" />

12 Hygro-i ® Hole liners and Caps ⌀19mm

25 Hygro-i ® Hole liners and Caps ⌀19mm

50 Hygro-i ® Hole liners and Caps ⌀19mm

100 Hygro-i ® Hole liners and Caps ⌀19mm

Infrarød Overflade Termometer

​Isoleret RH Hood til overflade RH test.

Relative Humidity Probe For MRH III / CMEX II

Calibration Check Plate

Calibration Check Plugs

Calibration Salt Check

​MEP Calibration Check Box

MRH3 Calibration Check Box

Skipper Plus Calibration Check Box

WME Calibration Check Box

Hammer-action pin-type electrode

Heavy-Duty Electrode with Cable and 7" Long Pins

Heavy-duty Pin-type Wood Probe with Cable and Pins

Spare 1.5" Pins for Hammer Probe (pakke af 10)

Spare 3" Pins for Pin Probe HH14SP90 (pakke af 2)

Spare 5/8" Pins for Pin Probe HH14TP30 (pakke af 10)

Spare 7" Pins for Pin Probe HH14SP200 (pack of 2)

Spare pins for PTM-Professional Pin Meter (pakke af 10)

Digitalt Hygrometer

Hole Punch


​Fug-Tek ApS

CVR: 13277591

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Sandøvej 9C

8700 Horsens